Pat in Peru

Friday, June 01, 2007

Pentecost News

The members of AMA (Anglican Assoc. of Women) were proud to present to the church the new altar and lectern fronts on the Pentecost theme. The women's group had worked with dedication and great creativity during their Friday sessions during April and May. The inspiration was an altar front seen in Durham Cathedral.
The photos below, taken after the morning service, show some of the women involved and also some of the young people who didn't want to miss a photo opportunity.

Carmen, Felicia, Etelvina, Pat & Beatice

Natalie, Frania, Judith & Diego

Shalom in Las Lomas

Saturday 26th May saw the beginning of the Shalom ministry in las Lomas for the disabled and their families. Children, mothers and siblings met together with the El Nazareno team to share plans and ideas to initiate the work. We were accompanied by two therapists, occupational and speech, who were able to meet and initially assess the children. The first therapy sessions will be one Saturday in June where each person will be evaluated and then in sucessive Saturdays each will have their weekly timetable to attend therapy sessions. It is also hoped to work simultaneously with the other family members in pastoral support, Christian education and creative workshops.

Andy with his wonderful smile