Pat in Peru

Monday, April 23, 2007

Back in Peru

Well I have been back in Lima for just over 3 weeks and in some ways it seems like I have never been away. It was so good to get back to the church and see everyone, even though it was busy with Easter activities straight away. God has been faithful and the ministries in Jesus El Nazareno church have continued and grown. I am even out of a few jobs which was what I had hoped but perhaps not expected - God is great and is raising up leaders. The Sunday school is now being run by Diana, 16, and several young helpers. I will oversee and help them plan but for the actual teaching etc. it's over to them! And the team leading the teenage group have really been dedicated and the young people are very committed not just to their Saturday group but most of them attend the services on Sunday.

An Easter sketch by the teenagers

The music group were thrilled to hear all about the success of the CD in England. Several have already enrolled in courses, Electronics, English and Music, and on Saturday we went to buy some new instruments - they are very happy! They also have several performances arranged.
They still haven't got the CD"s here so we have duplicated some for the time being using the English covers and we have taken some new photos so hopefully the Peru edition will be flooding the market soon!

During recording the CD

In the church

please look up: for more details on the music group
(notice there is no dot after the www not sure what happened there)

Ruben Mancilla, Lay Minister from Jesus the Saviour Church, was in Jesus El Nazareno during my absence and the guys were sad to see him leave. He had hoped to stay around for a while to have more of an overlap but had to leave on Easter weekend to participate in a training course in Cabanaconde in the Andes.

Yesterday we also started having two Sunday services, 8.30am and then 7pm, and there was a good number at both. We had thought about it before but it was on Easter Sunday when we had an early morning service that several people said it would be a good idea. It means more preparation, sermons etc. but as the church is small and most Sundays there was standing room only this is a good idea to enable more people to attend and allow the church to grow.


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