Pat in Peru

Monday, September 04, 2006

Alpha Course Finale!

The first Alpha course in Jesus El Nazareno finished in August and another is planned for mid September. It was a very successful and encouraging time with new people and church members attending and a great sense of God at work in many peoples lives. The last session began with a meal of rice, potatoes and a hot sauce made with the yellow chilli, aji. We then watched the last DVD together, had a time for worship and testimony with the presentation of certificates. Several people had invited family members or friends and we hope they will come along for the next course.

The Holy Spirit joint retreat for four local Anglican churches was attended by only 5 people from El Nazareno, due the difficulties in leaving family and work, but the following week we did a resume and were able to pray for each person present and have a time of ministry which was very fruitful.

Nazareno group
Moya, Etelvina, Felicia, Frania and me

The whole retreat group

Pray for preparations for the next course especially for those who will be group leaders and help in other areas. I thank God that Alpha has really revitalised several church members who have a new fervour to serve and share their faith - Praise Him!

PS. New course started 21st September with some new people and others from church.


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