Pat in Peru

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The move

Today was Shalom moving day and thankfully all went well. One truck came and went as he said we had too many things and he couldn't do two trips. Then we got another truck and everything fitted in with the help of another car fromone of the father's. We went the short drive to the new house and got unpacked, after refreshments we carried on getting things into their places and helpers went home.

I went shopping with Karelia and volunteer Amanda to get curtain rails, light bulbs, mats and also refreshments for after the service tomorrow.

Then we went back in the late afternoon to help Luisa move her things and also got the church ready for the service - it looked good. Hope everyone comes.

There is still alot to do but there are no clases or therapies on Monday so we have time to get sorted and find a place for everything.


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