Pat in Peru

Friday, April 10, 2009

Dear friends

Easter greetings to you all!

The months are whizzing by in 2009 and here we are celebrating Easter in 30 degrees in Lima. Apologies for not always sending out news but I am trying to update the blog,, and hope this missle will inform those who feel uninformed!

January was spent flying across the atlantic to be with my mother who continues in hosptial following several falls and a couple of minor strokes. She is just about walking now but has other medical complications which means she is unable to go back to her home. At the moment my sisters are trying to find suitable accommodation for her. This is hard for my mother and sisters and for me being so far away. But thankfully I am due home in a couple of weeks on furlough so will be able to be close by although some what busy with church visits around the country.

I leave Peru on 29th April and arrive in the Uk on 1st May, quite a long journey but it was hard finding flights.

I begin visits on 7th May and am busy most weekends coming to you to let you know what's happening here in Peru in the different ministries I am involed with and other activities of the Diocese. For those who don't know when I am due to visit please contact your SAMS church link person who should have the details. If anyone gets this and hasn't organised a visit please email me and I can see how space is looking. I am grateful to Richard Crofts who has been helping coordinate visits as sometimes it is difficult to chase up different contacts from so far away.
I am around in the UK until beginning of August but do need time with mum and family at this difficult time of transition for my mother. I shall be at New wine as from 25th July so can catch up with many there.

Here in Lima things connitnue busy, this afternon we have a Good Friday walk from Nazareno down to the church in Shalom and a gathering there in the community. This evening we have a service in Senor de Los MIlagros the community in the invaded area near Nazareno. Tomorrow we have a baptism and then the usual Easter Day celebrations together in both churches. MOnday hopefully will be a day off.

Shalom conitues to be a blessing to all those who come for their therapies and the morning classes are an encouragement. 8 children come inthe mornings for their early stimulation and nursery classes. SAMS volunteer rachel Hovenden helps out with Luisa and Nelly. The therapies continue from 2 - 7pm each day Monday to Friday with therapists, Lourdes, Evelyn and Teresa.

The church in Shalom conitues to grow with new people coming and opportunities to reach out to the neighbours and those in the community of Victor Raul. We are having problems with moving things forward in terms of the land for building the new centre, a matter for constant prayer.

In Nazareno the work continues with a strong group of young people who I pray will rise to some leadership challenges in my absence. Priests from the local deanery are covering servies in my absence so pray that the other ministries will connitue under the leadership of the church council and other leaders in the congregation.

Well I had better get on as time passes and I need to get organised for the days activities.
Please pray for the items mentioned above and I look forward to sharing with you in person soon.

Many thanks to you all for prayers, support and encouragement in my ministry here.

Easter blessings, may we all know the power of the Living Lord in our lives, our families and our churches at this time.

With love Pat


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